Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Iraq Has a New Constitution

I really don't think it was much of a stretch to predict this (as I did), but in a squeaker, the Iraqi Constitution was passed by popular vote. In an effort to include and protect minority Sunnis, there was a provision in the Constitution being voted on that would have defeated the whole thing if three of the 18 Iraqi provinces voted against it with a 2/3 vote. There are four provinces with a Sunni majority, and the Sunnis opposed the Constitution, but only two of these provinces (again as I predicted) got to the necessary 2/3. Next stop on the democracy train is in mid-December when the Iraqis vote for their government for real.

A real good thing and a real solution to a failing insurgency.

yep - Iraq electing its own government and then governing and policing itself would be a great forward step for Iraq and the Middle East
Halleluya, Halleluya. For God omnipotens reigneth, Halleluya, Halleluya...
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