Saturday, November 26, 2005


This Day in Ancient History (kinda)

On this day in 1922, in Egypt's Valley of the Kings, British archaeologists Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon become the first living souls to enter King Tutankhamen's tomb in more than 3,000 years. Grave robbers had never broken into the inner tomb and inside was a collection of several thousand priceless objects, including a gold coffin containing the mummy of the teenage king.

In the outer room there was evidence the tomb had been looted but when they broke through another door, and Carter leaned in with a candle to take a look, Lord Carnarvon, who was behind him, asked, "Can you see anything?" Carter replied, "Yes, wonderful things."

Wonderful things indeed. The Romans looked back on the Egyptians at the height of their civilization the way we look back on the Romans during their Empire period.

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