Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Creepy Liar

Lawrence O'Donnell is off his meds again. Infamous for yelling "liar, creepy liar" at Swiftboat Veteran John O'Neill for several minutes (See video, if you can stand it, here), O'Donnell is the least likeable on the current slate of the McLaughlin Group (which means he is even more awful than Pat Buchanan and Eleanor Clift). O'Donnell was involved somehow with the recently canceled The West Wing and the failed political TV drama a few years ago with Josh Brolan, the name of which escapes me.

Always the class act, O'Donnell wrote yesterday at the Huffington Post that he suspects that Cheney was drunk when he accidentally shot the old Texas lawyer, who seems at last to be doing better, thank the Lord. O'Donnell has not a shred of proof for his charges and in fact, all the facts known through the witnesses and investigating police make O'Donnell the liar. Like he cares. Here is his strongest support:

I have never gone hunting with ultra-rich Republicans on a Saturday afternoon, but I have seen them tailgating at Ivy League football games, so it's hard for me to believe that any of their Saturday lunches are alcohol free.

He defended his libel against the Vice President today on the Hugh Hewitt show and came off a complete jerk and, well, as the creepy liar I think you will see he plainly is. The tape and transcript is at Radioblogger. Hugh Hewitt got O'Donnell to change his story several times and to say, incoherently, that he never accused Cheney of in fact being drunk, just the likelihood that Cheney was drunk. Oh, I see the difference between accusing as fact as opposed to accusing as mere likelihood. Yea, HUGE difference there. Huge.

I have been bird hunting with pretty rich Republicans around Denver and up in Wyoming and no one drank any alcohol while we were still hunting. Afterwards, well... there was a lot of drinking, and cigars. So I guess the football game tailgater experience isn't quite as reliable a predictor as O'Donnell wants us to believe.

What a jerk! I know it's wrong to hate people, but I'm making an exception for this guy.

And O'Donnell said that Cheney refused to meet with local authorities the night of the accident. I can't say I've read all the stories about the shooting aftermath, but I've read a lot and none say Cheney refused an interview. I'm hearing "creepy liar!" again, but then I always hear that in my mind when I see or hear O'Donnell.

Dear clzdwh,

"As w/ most liberals, a complete hypocrit [sic]." I suggest the next time you write something, you repeat it aloud b/f posting it so as to avoid sounding like a nutter yourself. From a different political vantage than the one you inhabit, it seems to me that many conservatives are complete hypocrites. If one considers that hypocricy is not endemic to one's political stance, then why do people act hypocritically? I, myself, at least w/ respect to talking heads, believe it is connected to the sale of pick up trucks, toilet paper, books, and other consumer products.

If you believe that hypocricy is a liberal character trait, I am certain that you would enjoy the works of Franz Joseph Gall, Orson Fowler, and Lorenzo Fowler.
Hit bottom and started digging, did we?

Your point wasn't that Lawrence O'Donnell is a hypocrite. Your point was most liberals are hypocrites. That's what you said. If you are going post a comment like that, which, in my opinion exhibited a lack of intelligence and civilty that rivals anonymous' most recent, then be prepared to defend it.

See here's what it looks like from my perspective: clzdwh posts a comment containing a Coulteresque generalization about liberals and instead of an attaboy or a free hall pass for what was probably a typo, he gets called on both. In response what does he do? Why, he makes another another generalization about liberals.

If you believe liberals are more hypocritical or condescending than any segment of the population or the population as a whole, be prepared to cite case studies, not anecdotal evidence, or don't make the comment.

And if you insult someone, expect a return salvo. And don't whine about it when it arrives.

Be of good cheer.
Careful Tony, CIZDWH could have you killed and make it look like an accident. I think the comment was not that all liberals are hypocite all the time, but that here the lies about Cheney was coming from liberals almost exclusively yet liberals are the first to call mere mistakes lies. Or at least that's my take. Blessed are the cheesemakers, for they shall inherit the Earth.
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