Tuesday, June 20, 2006


The Dark Side

There are moments of passage in a person's life--when your friends become more important to you emotionally than your parents; when roller coasters just aren't fun anymore; and, when Frontline no longer seems a trustworthy source of information. I had that one tonight, as I watched a 85 minute smear of the Administration's response to war being waged on us by Islamic Jihadists, it was not so much lies as obfuscation by omission.

I might come back to this but I'll just write this now: The producer and writer had to be schizophrenic about the CIA. They did tick off a partial list of CIA failures (very partial but still pretty long), but then they relied on ex-CIA guys to advance their theory. Well, which are they--arrogant incompetents or savvy truth detectors? It was impossible to resolve during the show.

I'm comfortable saying that none of us knows all the facts yet and history will judge the War against Jihadist (so far in Iraq and Afghanistan) in a way that will defeat a lot of conventional knowledge (on both sides of the aisle). I just hope it gets written before I die.


Of course you are correct in that we are fighting a war against Islamist Jihadists, and as we fight this war, a war as that described in "A Walk in the Sun" will be to the Battle of Tibet. By that I mean, it will be a war that will last on beyond our span of years. It will be fought, although reaches of the planet.

Would that we had/will put our military and diplomatic efforts to rooting out Osama bin Laden in whatever East Webfootastan he currently calls home as opposed to squadering the lives of our soldiers and our money in Iraq.

Iraq, under Saddam, was no home to Islamic Jihadists as those persons were inimical to the tyrant's rule. Afghanistan, under the Taliban, was a haven for terrorists. If only we had ignored Saddam and kept our eyes on the prize. Would al Zarqawi have been elevated to prime time had we continue to isiolate Saddam as opposed to killing the predator and allowing vermin to breed in the vacuum?

Let us realize, even if we do admit it publicly, that the invasion of Iraq was at best a detour in the road to the war against the real enemy, the Islamic Jihadists.

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