Thursday, December 21, 2006


I Actually Agree With a NYT Editorial

The New York Times comes out strongly against the manifest injustice in the unbelievable case of Genarlow Wilson, who is doing time in a Georgia state prison because, when he was 17, he had "consensual oral sex" with a 15 year old girl (but he did it on videotape--the moron). It's not clear whether he was going down on her or getting a BJ (as if that matters). Here is the clear truth as I and the NYT see it:

When high school students engage in consensual sexual activity, that is not the same as an adult molesting a teenager or a teenager molesting a child.

The Georgia state legislators had ironically created a misdemeanor exception for intercourse between kids that age and have since changed this rather Draconian law, but Genarlow, having done two years, is in prison for the next 8 years at least. Any sort of consensual sex with a 15 year old (I think) when the partner is no more than 4 years older here in Colorado is no crime at all. Doesn't Georgia have a juvenile justice system? Sheesh!

This especially hits home because all through High School, I was going down on girls as young as 15 (and I started when I was 14). I was never in love with BJs (I considered it time and effort, etc., taken away from intercourse) and my sexual practices are about the same now, so I guess that makes me a good boyfriend. Hard to believe I could have been looking at prison time in Virginia had I been caught in flagrante delicto. Sorry if this was too much information.

I too hope they let the boy out soon.

I've already apologized.
Never one for the BJ ??

Good thing you never were a travelling musician.

" Head For Backstage Pass "

Mark Dunn
There are times when it's appropriate to try kids as adults. This ain't one of them.

Not a fan of BJs? Geez...may as well turn in your Man Card!
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