Sunday, June 24, 2007


Now Everyone's al Qaeda

Faithful reader/commenter, peter b, notes a current lefty meme that where the press and military were calling everyone insurgents or Sunni or Shia militia before, now they call all our enemies al Qaeda. Bob Owens, the Confederate Yankee, has a good reply to this here. Since Arrowhead Ripper is specifically targeting al Qaeda in Extremis in Diyala Province and specifically in Baquba, al Qaeda gets mentioned a lot. It's selective memory, however, to claim the military press releases are exclusively or even mainly attributing the affiliation of the guys we're killing and capturing to al Qaeda. Bob's got the proof.


"What is obvious is your own industrial-strength ignorance, which apparently seems to be quite contagious among the more irrational actors of the far left."

Sorry Roger, I stopped reading after the above sentence. Dam the logic, full spleen ahead. Too man, I'm sure it was a good article.
Typos-- Should read "Too bad, I'm sure it was a good article. "
He was addressing guys who have shown themselves either not to be that trustworthy or that up on military history et cetera, or both. Your loss, man.
Things have come to a prety pass,
Our debate is growing flat.
For you espouse this and the other,
While I argue for this and that,
Blogness knows when the end will be,
Oh I don't know where you're at,
It looks as we two will never be one
Something must be done.

You say Al Queada, and I say Al Qaida,
You say the Koran and I say the Quran,
Al Qaeda, Al Qaida, the Koran, the Quran,
Lets call the whole thing off.

You say Soloman and I say Sueliman,
You say shalom aleichem and I say salaam alekum,
Soloman, Suelimen, aleichem, alekum,
Let's call the whole thing off.
"He was addressing guys who have shown themselves either not to be that trustworthy or that up on military history et cetera, or both."

I guess by your standard that gives me carte blanch to catcall all the neocons and weekly standard types who have been responsible for this Iraq debacle. "not that trustworthy or up on military history" Very appropriate.
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