Sunday, August 19, 2007


Thoughts on the Democratic Non-Church-Going Debate

OMG, Mike Gravel is clinically insane.

Bill Richardson is pig ignorant of military history. He thinks we are causing the problem by fighting those who want to kill us (but are content to kill fellow Muslims merely to effect our decisions). He's got it 100% wrong. You solve the problem of murderous Muslim Extremists by killing Muslim extremists; just as we won WWII by killing Imperial Japanese and Nazi German troops as fast as we were able. We didn't create new enemies by doing this, we made fewer of them. It is clear no Democrat wants to do the right, but hard, thing and actually fight to make our enemies too weak or just afraid to attack us. If the Democrats get the White House and keep their majorities in Congress, the war being waged against us will be lengthened by decades. That's the choice we Americans face-- a tough war made somewhat shorter by our putting our all into it or a long ever more bloody affair, probably stretching into the next century, caused by refusing to fight and withdrawing into so called fortress America (with open borders). Yeah, that'll work.

How the heck did a funny little man like Kucinich get the young trophy wife he has?

Edwards mentioned his dead son, for about the 1000th time. But Coulter is the evil one for noticing it. Just so I'm clear on that.

What is this question about prayer? This is political misdirection.

Dodd seems to think the internet will save the family farm. He can't possibly say how.

Sorry, I'm going to switch to people who actually know what they are talking about or at least aren't on extreme pander mode.


"Given the situation, it is important not to assess security from an American-centered perspective. The ability of, say, American observers to safely walk down the streets of formerly violent towns is not a resounding indicator of security. What matters is the experience of the local citizenry and the future of our counterinsurgency. When we take this view, we see that a vast majority of Iraqis feel increasingly insecure and view us as an occupation force that has failed to produce normalcy after four years and is increasingly unlikely to do so as we continue to arm each warring side."

Published: August 19, 2007
I agree that as far as the matter of Iraqi security is concerned, what the local citizenry thinks is more important than what an American here thinks or even what the soldiers think. Attacks on both fellow Iraqis and Americans are down by nearly half from 6 months ago. That's not an Iraqi or American thought, that's verifiable. And the last four suicide bombs were way out on the edge of Iraq, almost in Syria. That's not the winning boys' mojo. Increasingly insecure and view the Americans as occupying force, huh? Who says? These 7 guys who I've never heard of. It is a bad sign if Iraqis are fleeing the country and I don't like the look of even consolidating neighborhoods along sectarian lines, but I want to know numbers and how the surveys were done before I'll take those seven at their word considering the other undeniable facts. Thanks for the comment. We are often challenged by your contrary point of view.

The quote is from a piece that appeared in the Week in Review in yesterday's (Sun. 08/19/07) NYT.

The piece is pretty discouraging. I will try and e-mail it to you.

Thanks, Tony I found it online. Mainly sargeants in the 82nd, one of whom was shot recently in the head (he survived). Well worth listening to as they are over there and we are not, but if it's not going well from the beginning, then why are the attacks way down and the ones that are still being done way out of the way? I used to say we were losing--then we weren't losing anymore, then recently, I think we started winning, but we haven't won yet.
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