Monday, November 19, 2007


Thought of the Day

Quod tacitum velis esse, nemini dixeris. Si tibi ipsi non imperasti, quomodo ab aliis silentium speras?

Seneca (attributed)

What you want to keep secret, tell no one. If you could not control yourself, how can you hope for silence from another.


You wrote:

"What you want to keep secret, tell no one. If you could not control yourself, how can you hope for silence from another."

Absolutely. The need for one person to unburden himself upon another and then demanding the very thing the burdened person could not give himself is an amusing scenario.

I have a personal store of anecdotes based on this conditon of imposing on another what one has failed to impose on himself.
The irony is once you tell someone, it is no longer a secret.
Both of you are right.
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